Agua YA: Altos de San Antonio


Axis: Rescue and Immediate Response

Office: Costa Rica

In July 2023, we responded to a call from the Costa Rican Ministry of Health indicating an outbreak of leptospirosis in Altos de San Antonio in the Puntarenas region. According to the Pan American Health Organization, leptospirosis is a disease with epidemic potential, caused by a bacterium that normally spreads after heavy rains. This disease can be lethal and its spread increases during rainy seasons or if flooding occurs in the affected region.


Faced with this scenario, CADENA Costa Rica was active in the area on July 21, to deliver water filters and train on their use. Our objective was to deliver these filters so that the community of Altos de San Antonio would have constant access to drinking water and thus reduce the spread of the disease. With support from the Corredores Ministry of Health, we delivered 69 water filters in the area, benefiting a total of 665 people in this community. Our response was immediate and we were able to positively impact the health of the community, guaranteeing access to safe, bacteria-free water.

Finally, throughout this humanitarian intervention we were also able to generate bonds of trust with the Ministry of Health, a great ally in the face of emergencies that occur in our country.

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