Bootcamp for Humanitarian Youth


Axis: Humanitarian Action



In January 2023, in collaboration with Maccabi Miami and Pro-Mazahua, we organized an intervention so that Maccabi students could deliver aid hand to hand and understand what humanitarian aid entails. In total, 65 Maccabi students traveled to Mexico, to the municipality of Acambay, where they delivered blankets and food to support the community in the face of low temperatures. At the end of this intervention we benefited around 500 families with the delivery of blankets, food, cleaning kits and clothes.


With interventions like this, we were able to motivate students and generate initiative for them to continue on their humanitarian path. Also, by collaborating with Maccabi we were able to have a much greater reach with the student body. At the same time that we teach the next generations of humanitarians, we are doing humanitarian action in a vulnerable community.

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