Construction of a Multipurpose Hall – Temporary Migratory Reception Station in Los Planes de Gualaca.


Axis: Reconstruction

Office: Panama


From October 2023 to the end of the year, CADENA Panama, after several interventions in the Temporary Migration Reception Station in Los Planes de Gualaca, identified the need for a Multipurpose Room for the population in mobility. Together with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), we decided to build this room that will also serve as a dining room, meeting room and storage center if necessary. Thanks to a 95% contribution from IOM, CADENA began the construction of a 450 square meter room to improve the stay of people in transit who come to stay at the Temporary Station.

This is an extensive project that lasted three months in 2023 and will last until 2024, as we seek to respond to the request of the National Migration Service to support the needs of people in transit. Through contributions such as the design, the know how, plans and construction, CADENA Panama is construction, CADENA Panama is carrying out a project that will greatly benefit the population in mobility situations in the country and the operation of the Temporary Station.

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