Floods in El Castillo, Meta Response


Axis: Health and Resilience

Office: Colombia


From July 21-23, 2023, at CADENA Colombia, we responded to the needs of El Castillo, Meta, a peasant population in a rural area highly affected by floods. Our response this time was different because in addition to delivering humanitarian aid and implementing medical and dental consultations, we delivered seeds and plantain sprouts to leave sustainable assistance. In total, we delivered 870 markets (food pantries), 750 mattresses, 870 hygiene kits, 10 community water filters and 1,650 kg of seeds and banana seedlings.


We also implemented 34 medical consultations, 21 dental consultations, 10 psychosocial consultations and 4 workshops for 80 people on disaster risk reduction. During the four days of this intervention, we benefited 3,915 people, who received support to reactivate their economy and have food in the long term. In collaboration with Start Network, we were able to bring humanitarian assistance to populations that are often ignored and rarely receive help.

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