Migrant Women’s Support Center, Colombia


Axis: Health and Resilience

Office: Colombia


From June 2022 to September 2023, CADENA Colombia will open a space in the city of Cúcuta to provide basic medical care to migrants, mainly women. In collaboration with Defensa Civil, HIAS, NATAN, CARE, IOM, Opción Legal, Centro las Margaritas, Jesuit Refugee Service, Centro Intégrate, Nutritional Recovery of ICBF (Colombian Institute of Family Welfare) and CIDEMOS, we opened the Center for Attention to Migrant Women. This center, located on the Colombian-Venezuelan border in Cúcuta, provided general medical and gynecological services, psychosocial care, social work workshops and legal orientation, guaranteeing comprehensive care in the areas of sexual and reproductive health for women and girls at risk of vulnerability.


We thank our donors and collaborators: Fundación Simón Bolívar, NATAN, HIAS, PROCAPS, CARE for their donation of contraceptives and BOBOLI for their donation of baby clothes. Women are one of the most vulnerable groups worldwide and their needs when they are mobile become a major concern in humanitarian crises. So far we have provided 8,553 services, 3,220 health care services, 2,712 health care services to women, care to 382 pregnant women, supported 1,008 participants with the implementation of workshops and conducted 2,395 clinical laboratories. In addition, we delivered 12,800 medicines and 5,000 articles of clothing.


Through an intersectional gender-migration approach, our project provided the necessary care (physical, emotional and educational/informational) to create safe spaces for people who have experienced gender-based violence and are in contexts of mobility. In these spaces they were able to receive medical consultations and psychological interventions with specialists, had free access to contraceptives and informative workshops on sexual and reproductive health. Finally, within the Center, we offered a space dedicated to menstrual management where people had access to menstrual products and information on the menstrual-ovulatory cycle from specialists.

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