Remodeling of the Kitchen at the Temporary Migrant Reception Station, Los Planes de Gualaca


Axis: Reconstruction

Office: Panama


In August 2023, CADENA Panama supported the remodeling and restoration of the kitchen at the Temporary Migratory Reception Station in Los Planes de Gualaca. With the support of CADENA volunteers and staff, as well as the technical team of Migration Panama, we remodeled the kitchen of the station after an initial in-depth evaluation.


With support from Start Network, we designed the kitchen floor plan, changed the electrical, plumbing and lighting systems. We also lined the walls with fiber cement sheets and replaced the kitchen equipment (stoves, sinks and stainless steel work tables). We also helped repair the staff’s room and bathroom, where they help with food preparation. Finally, we installed a rainwater collection system with two tanks with a capacity of 2,500 liters each, which serves as a clean water reserve.


Together, we were able to benefit the migrant population residing in the shelter and the Migration and SENAFRONT personnel who work and serve at the station. It was a great project that we know represents the right step towards continued support for people in transit in need.

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