Sphere Ambassadors: First Generation


Axis: Education and Training

Office: Mexico


The training of our team in the field is crucial for the good performance during the humanitarian interventions we deploy throughout the year. For this reason, throughout 2022, we conducted a diploma course to train a group of professionals and volunteers using the Sphere Handbook as a reference. In March 2023, we graduated our first generation of Sphere Ambassadors, who have supported 84 humanitarian interventions and have improved our field response exponentially throughout the year.

In collaboration with Humanitarian Productions and renowned individuals in the humanitarian world such as Juan Saenz and Jorge Navarro, we were able to provide 29 students with a thorough understanding of the importance of the Sphere Handbook. This generation, comprised of office staff, training leaders, medical staff, general volunteers and PathfindersThe course generated an exchange of experiences, conviviality and essential questions in our organization. We have the guidance of certified trainers to teach the Sphere Handbook in Mexico, making this diploma course an indispensable step in the trajectory of any humanitarian within CADENA Mexico.

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