Axis: Academic Development
During the 2023 school year, CADENA USA continued with the implementation of the program Tutors for a Cause (Tutors with a Cause). This program provides tutoring to migrant children who have recently arrived in the United States, facilitating their integration into formal education. Our tutors are high school students and CADENA volunteers who, in addition to being fluent in English and Spanish, have a deep commitment to helping migrant children. Tutors for a Cause is designed for the student body to implement tutoring for migrant children from 4 to 16 years of age. The tutoring is based on providing support in the subjects of English, mathematics and basic studies, with the objective of reintegrating into the U.S. educational system.
In collaboration with the Hermanos de la Calle Foundation, we are able to connect with migrant families who have recently arrived in the country and through donations we are able to buy computers, books and internet services for these children. This year, we have supported around 120 people, including students, parents and siblings, we also delivered 8 computers and dozens of children’s books. At the same time, we are training young people in the humanitarian field, since our tutors must be trained by taking the workshop: Empowering tutors for change. A lo largo de los años y gracias a los testimonios de padres de familia, estudiantes y los mismos tutores, sabemos que el rendimiento académico se ha visto beneficiado. Tutors for a Cause is a program that helps both the student and the tutor by teaching Tikkun Olam firsthand.